About Us
First responders encounter unique professional stressors.  These professions require a person to possess a myriad of skills and personality traits and to use them in a variety of challenging and sometimes threatening situations.  As a result there are many well-known statistics demonstrating the dramatic impact to first responders that have become known as the “cost of doing business” in this industry.

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What We Do
Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) services are preventative in nature and represent the standard of care in the industry for officer-involved shootings and other operational crisis.  They are designed to reduce disruptive arousal, increase productivity, enhance officer wellbeing and facilitate a rapid return to “normalcy” in affected officers.

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Why Us?
PSG™ is exclusively dedicated to the needs of the first responder community.  We are not an employee assistance program and do not supplant the standard services offered by these organizations.  Indeed, The Psychological Services Group™ supplements the fairly generic offerings of most EAP services with profession appropriate, culturally competent crisis intervention and training.

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What’s New?
When unexpected, traumatic events occur, it is normal to have strong reactions. Sometimes these appear immediately after the event, and sometimes they don’t evidence themselves for several days, weeks, or even months. While unpleasant, these reactions are normal and usually temporary, leaving no long-term effects on the individual experiencing them. [Read More]